

The world has changed a lot in the last 23 years. But the boundless joy and unbroken dynamism of a CULCHA CANDELA show has hardly changed at all! With over five million records sold, almost 35 precious metal awards and more than 1,500 live shows, Culcha Candela may no longer be reinventing themselves, but they don't have to. In recent years, the Berlin cult collective has shown time and again that they can shake energetic club bangers and hits with attitude out of their colorful sleeves with playful ease - today as in the past. After almost a quarter of a century in the show biz, the band continues
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  • 30.05.2025 / 07:30 PM
  • Kufstein, Festung Kufstein


The world has changed a lot in the last 23 years. But the boundless joy and unbroken dynamism of a CULCHA CANDELA show has hardly changed at all! With over five million records sold, almost 35 precious metal awards and more than 1,500 live shows, Culcha Candela may no longer be reinventing themselves, but they don't have to. In recent years, the Berlin cult collective has shown time and again that they can shake energetic club bangers and hits with attitude out of their colorful sleeves with playful ease - today as in the past. After almost a quarter of a century in the show biz, the band continues

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