
MuTiger Training / Mobbingpräventionsworkshop für Kinder

Social skills and resilience training for children of primary school age (1st to 4th grade). Children learn through play how to deal with conflict situations confidently, responsibly and non-violently. Based on the concept of "Stark auch ohne Muckis", the program actively contributes to removing the breeding ground for bullying. Through new thinking and action strategies, children can reduce the risk of attacks of any kind many times over. Important values are conveyed through movement, games, Rhymes, role-playing, balance and concentration exercises and much more. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  • Next dateShow all dates
  • 23.01.2025 / 02:30 PM
  • Kufstein, Ekiz Kufstein - SchubiDu; Gilmstrasse 11, 6330 Ku

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MuTiger Training / Mobbingpräventionsworkshop für Kinder

Social skills and resilience training for children of primary school age (1st to 4th grade). Children learn through play how to deal with conflict situations confidently, responsibly and non-violently. Based on the concept of "Stark auch ohne Muckis", the program actively contributes to removing the breeding ground for bullying. Through new thinking and action strategies, children can reduce the risk of attacks of any kind many times over. Important values are conveyed through movement, games, Rhymes, role-playing, balance and concentration exercises and much more. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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