ZEIDiG – bayerischer Liedermacher-Rock
‘Unusual, cheeky, but also sacredly good.’ - Donaukurier The Upper Bavarian singer-songwriter rock band ZEIDiG storms the Arche Noe with their charming, coarse, funny and also subtle songs: from ‘Der harte Kern’ to ‘Olles werd guad’ it's rocking, bluesy and also tender - simply in the middle of ‘Im Leben dahoam’. Six passionate musicians (1 woman, 5 men) - that's the band ZEIDiG. Their songs, all of which they have written themselves, are rocky, bluesy and sometimes tender. The lyrics are mostly Bavarian, subtle, sometimes coarse and sometimes subtle, always ‘im Lebn dahoam’.
The unusual combination of lush electric guitar riffs, virtuoso quetschn, bass, acoustic guitar, drums and sometimes three-part vocals is a Bavarian attitude to life for ‘Jetzt und heit’ (now and here)
The unusual combination of lush electric guitar riffs, virtuoso quetschn, bass, acoustic guitar, drums and sometimes three-part vocals is a Bavarian attitude to life for ‘Jetzt und heit’ (now and here)