Bronner & Kreisler - Der g´schupfte Ferdl geht Tauben vergiften im Park
The story of two brilliant songwriters who were friends and became enemies - but were always very fond of each other: Gerhard Bonner and Georg Kreisler. Both had to leave their homeland as teenagers. They fled and came back. Bronner in 1948, Kreisler in 1955. They earned their first money, how could it be otherwise, with entertainment. The legendary Marietta Bar was one of their joint “cult venues”. In 1959, Bronner took over the Neues Theater am Kärntnertor (until 1966), where the cabaret ensemble enjoyed great success. Gerhard Bronner wrote hits such as “Der g'schupfte Ferdl”, “Der Halbwilde”, “Der Bundesbahnblues” and “Der Papa wird's schon richten”. After his return to Vienna in 1955, Kreisler played his chansons mainly in Gerhard Bronner's Marietta Bar. In 1956, he leased the Intime Theater in Liliengasse together with Bronner. The two went their separate ways, but artistically they met again and again. The contrasts between the two artists are the focus of the evening. It shows a century from the perspective of two Viennese artists who could not have been more different. But one thing united them throughout their lives: Vienna. On stage in Kufstein, among others: Bela Koreny, Karl Markovics, Lilian Klebow, Katharina Straßer, Ethel Merhaut, Wolf Bachofner
Bronner & Kreisler - Der g´schupfte Ferdl geht Tauben vergiften im Park
The story of two brilliant songwriters who were friends and became enemies - but were always very fond of each other: Gerhard Bonner and Georg Kreisler. Both had to leave their homeland as teenagers. They fled and came back. Bronner in 1948, Kreisler in 1955. They earned their first money, how could it be otherwise, with entertainment. The legendary Marietta Bar was one of their joint “cult venues”. In 1959, Bronner took over the Neues Theater am Kärntnertor (until 1966), where the cabaret ensemble enjoyed great success. Gerhard Bronner wrote hits such as “Der g'schupfte Ferdl”, “Der Halbwilde”, “Der Bundesbahnblues” and “Der Papa wird's schon richten”. After his return to Vienna in 1955, Kreisler played his chansons mainly in Gerhard Bronner's Marietta Bar. In 1956, he leased the Intime Theater in Liliengasse together with Bronner. The two went their separate ways, but artistically they met again and again. The contrasts between the two artists are the focus of the evening. It shows a century from the perspective of two Viennese artists who could not have been more different. But one thing united them throughout their lives: Vienna. On stage in Kufstein, among others: Bela Koreny, Karl Markovics, Lilian Klebow, Katharina Straßer, Ethel Merhaut, Wolf Bachofner