
Hearts Apart - Live im Bau!

Hearts Apart - punk rock with heart and despair Summer 2018: At a DIY festival on Lake Garda, the idea of forming a band is born - somewhere between a midlife crisis and a love of The Marked Men. A few months later, two friends become a trio, united by enthusiastic rehearsals, cheap beer and damp cellars. Within a year, 40 songs are written, supported by a Stooges-obsessed dancer and a bike polo champion - both known only as “the guy with the four strings”. Spring 2021: The first concert. A mountain hut at 1900 meters is rocked twice - after a chaotic ride in an overloaded junk truck. “It's a

Hearts Apart - Live im Bau!

Hearts Apart - punk rock with heart and despair Summer 2018: At a DIY festival on Lake Garda, the idea of forming a band is born - somewhere between a midlife crisis and a love of The Marked Men. A few months later, two friends become a trio, united by enthusiastic rehearsals, cheap beer and damp cellars. Within a year, 40 songs are written, supported by a Stooges-obsessed dancer and a bike polo champion - both known only as “the guy with the four strings”. Spring 2021: The first concert. A mountain hut at 1900 meters is rocked twice - after a chaotic ride in an overloaded junk truck. “It's a

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