Kundalini Yoga
Instructor: Babette Radecky, 3HO certified Kundalini and Hatha Yoga teacher In these 75 minutes, we immerse ourselves in the transformative world of Kundalini yoga. In this protected space, we consciously leave the stress of everyday life behind us and experience a deep connection between body, mind and soul. With powerful breathing techniques and dynamic postures, we raise our energy to a new level and give our natural radiance a new glow. After the class, you will feel relaxed, clear, free and light. I am convinced that with regular practice, you will notice how much more relaxed and calm you are when dealing with the challenges of everyday life. These 75 minutes are suitable for everyone and you don't need any previous experience. € 121.00 for members of a Tyrolean EKIZ (block of 8) I € 125.00 for non-members (block of 8) I € 17.00 for a single lesson The purchase of a block of 8 is always valid for 6 months!