
Winterlieder - Das vorweihnachtliche Familienkonzert (höreinspaziert)

Sternschnuppe songs have long been an integral part of children's and living rooms. Now the well-known children's songwriters Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier once again invite you to a cosy winter song concert for the whole family. With their easy-going mixture of quietly mischievous songs and light-hearted stories, they enchant parents and children alike in no time and take everyone on an atmospheric and humorous journey into the Sternschnuppe winter Christmas world. Everyone sings "Off the track!" at the top of their voices while sledging, claps their hands warm again while "Schneemobaun-Zwiefachen",

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Winterlieder - Das vorweihnachtliche Familienkonzert (höreinspaziert)

Sternschnuppe songs have long been an integral part of children's and living rooms. Now the well-known children's songwriters Margit Sarholz and Werner Meier once again invite you to a cosy winter song concert for the whole family. With their easy-going mixture of quietly mischievous songs and light-hearted stories, they enchant parents and children alike in no time and take everyone on an atmospheric and humorous journey into the Sternschnuppe winter Christmas world. Everyone sings "Off the track!" at the top of their voices while sledging, claps their hands warm again while "Schneemobaun-Zwiefachen",

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